About us
We manage the registration of your trade marks, patents, utility models and industrial designs. We will care for the protection of your rights in Slovakia and in abroad.
We advise in the area of copyright and license agreements. If someone infringes on your rights and harms your interests we will find the best way to solve your problem. In case of court proceedings we will ensure your representation by an attorney with appropriate specialisation.
We represent our clients at:
- Slovak Patent Office (SKIPO)
- EUIPO Alicante
- WIPO Geneva
We co-operate with Patent attorneys abroad to safeguard the protection of your rights in other countries.
We support our clients and facilitate their businesses through the protection of their intellectual property rights. We are a reliable and long term partner. We guarantee confidentiality, individual approach and understanding of your needs in the areas of creativity and innovation.
Our staff
Ing. Zuzana Girmanová [email protected]
Zuzana is Patent Attorney, and also active as exterternal lecturer for Slovak patent office (SKIPO). Since 2012 she is a registered EPG Senior Industrial Advisor for EBOR London.
RNDr. Ján Girman [email protected]
Jan is responsible for information systems and project management. He is managing communication with partners abroad and is he also supervising translations.

Ing. Zuzana Girmanová
Patent attorney
European patent attorney
for trade marks and designs

RNDr. Ján Girman
IP manager

Tatiana Petríková
Patent Administrator